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Avonic CD-TRAC1 CamDirector® Teacher Tracker Software License

CamDirector® Teacher Tracker Software License. AI Multi-Camera Tracking Software. The CamDirector® Teacher Tracker is AI software that tracks the teacher with PTZ cameras resulting in an automatic multi-camera registration of lectures. The software is trained to detect a single speaker in a room with students. When the speaker is found, a mix of close-up shots…



CamDirector® Teacher Tracker Software License. AI Multi-Camera Tracking Software.

The CamDirector® Teacher Tracker is AI software that tracks the teacher with PTZ cameras resulting in an automatic multi-camera registration of lectures. The software is trained to detect a single speaker in a room with students. When the speaker is found, a mix of close-up shots and overview shots are presented on the output. In any other case, an overview shot is presented.

The CamDirector® runs automatically when a lecture starts and finds the teacher when he walks in. The live video output autonomously switches between overview shots of the classroom and close-ups of the teacher, depending on his movement.

• Autonomously finds the teacher
• Reliable tracking with 2 cameras
• Switches between overview and close-up shot
• Configured in 15 minutes

• Reliable tracking
By using the power of two cameras, the system offers an unprecedented reliability. Tracking
takes place in both the overview and follow camera.

• Autonomous Tracking
The system runs automatically when a lecture starts and finds the teacher when he walks in. The live video output autonomously switches between overview shots of the classroom and close-ups of the teacher, depending on his movement.

• Pleasant to watch
The smooth camera movements, variety of camera angles, and dynamic switching between
the two cameras makes for an engaging viewing experience.

• Preset switcher with multiple cameras
The teacher or room operator has the option to visually select a preset, e.g. a demonstration, blackboard or the audience. The AI takes care of the camera movement and video switching.

• Configured in 15 minutes
The CamDirector® Teacher Tracker simplifies large deployments. The one-time installation is quick and easy.

• Privacy proof
No video data is stored, all data stays within the room. =+=


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